Euro to Naira Black Market Today

Do you want to know the current exchange rate of Euro to Nigerian Naira? If so, we have updated the official € to Naira exchange rate today as well as the current exchange rate at the parallel market. Read on to see the conversion rate for these currencies.

Are you considering traveling? Or do you want to carry out some online transactions but are unsure about the exchange rate? If you are traveling abroad or doing some online transactions, then it’s good to know what the exchange rate is.

The exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira and the Euro is important to know especially when it comes to the Aboki fx € to naira rate.

In this web page, we have revealed every detail and other related information you may wish to know about the NGN to EUR exchange rate and the current exchange rate for Naira to €, both the official conversion rate which is the CBN rate and the black market exchange rate.

You convert your Euro (EUR) to Naira (₦) at this rate or change your Naira to € at the parallel market or the latest black market rate.

We compare the € and the Naira Bank rate vs. the Aboki FX rate. So read on to see the Aboki FX rate today and the real mid-market exchange rate. This article is updated from time to time based on current market data.

  • Euro to Naira Aboki FX
  • Euro to Naira today
  • Euro to Naira bank rate today
  • Euro to Naira black market today
  • Euro to Naira today parallel market
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Euro to Naira Today Exchange Rate

When compared to other major currencies, the Nigerian currency has devalued in recent years. The exchange rate between the Euro and the Nigerian naira is changing continually.

Over the past few months, the rate has been trending downward. As the market ebbs and flows, it still remains relatively low when looking at the exchange rates for today’s date.

So how much is the € to Naira exchange rate at the black market (parallel market) and the aboki fx? Below is the real exchange rate for the Euro (EUR) to Naira today.

Euro (EUR) to Naira Black Market Rate Today

We give you the real conversion rate in order for you to make huge savings on your international money transfers.

The current black market rate of the Euro to the Nigerian naira is shown below.

Amount In Euros(€) Naira Equivalent(₦)
1 1320
10 13,200
50 66,000
100 132,000
500 660,000
1000 1,320,000
10000 13,200,000

As of today, Naira trades at NGN 1,320 per 1 EUR at parallel market as aboki FX clears forex information.

Please note that the Central Bank of Nigeria does not recognize the black market (parallel market) and recommends individuals interested in Forex to contact their respective banks before carrying out their transactions.

Euro to Naira CBN Exchange Rate

As of today, the exchange rate of the Euro to Naira black market is different from the CBN exchange rate and other commercial banks.

The CBN exchange rate is the rate at which you can sell or purchase € for Naira on the official Central Bank of Nigeria website at

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The black market exchange rate for Euro (EUR) is always higher than the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) exchange rate.

As of today, 1 Euro equals 835.99 Nigerian Naira.

As previously stated, the naira fluctuates in value against other currencies on a daily basis. So, before making any online purchases, constantly check back for the current exchange rate.

If you have questions regarding today’s exchange rate, feel free to use the Contact Us page and we will respond to your request. Once again, keep checking back to confirm the current exchange rate.

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